Bob Trevino Likes It | Film Streams
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Bob Trevino Likes It

Women Directed

Dir. Tracie Laymon USA 102 min PG-13

2025 Roadside Attractions

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Film Streams Theaters Square Ruth Sokolof

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Bob Trevino Likes It is inspired by the true friendship that writer/director Tracie Laymon found with a stranger in real life while looking for her father online. Winner of an astounding thirteen film festival audience awards, Bob Trevino Likes It retains the optimism that big tech can still provide human connection and that true friendship is a powerful kind of love and perhaps the family we need most in today’s world.

Often playing the role of caretaker to people like her father, who should be caring for her, Lily Trevino longs for familial connection. When her father, Robert, finally checks out of her life, Lily looks for him on the internet. She tries to “friend” a man she believes is her father on Facebook. But instead of finding Robert Trevino, she finds Bob Trevino instead. Lily and Bob’s blossoming friendship becomes a vital source of connection and healing for both, holding the power to change each of their lives forever.

"Like its heroine, the comedy can be bright and bouncy and frequently funny. But also like her, it’s secretly a tearjerker, and never more effectively than when it’s at its very sweetest." – The Hollywood Reporter

E Cap See Change

As part of our See Change initiative, we strive to showcase the work of women and non-binary individuals and their behind-the-scenes involvement in a production.

This film is written, produced, and directed by Tracie Laymon, edited by Anisha Acharya, and produced by Tina Carbone, Heather I. Denton, Barbie Ferreira, Kemma Filby, Kelly Frazier, Lan Kay, Erin Pierce, Rose Stewart, Jacqueline Wegner Reinish, and Amy Whitaker.

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