Accessibility | Film Streams
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Film Streams is committed to making our programs and facilities welcoming and comfortable for all. All public areas of the Ruth Sokolof Theater and Dundee Theater — including theaters, lobbies, and rest rooms — are fully accessible. Lifts are available to provide access to our second-floor administrative offices at the Ruth Sokolof Theater and conference room at the Dundee.

Please see below for more details about parking, seating, and assistive devices.

Open Caption Screenings*

For Deaf and Hard of Hearing

*Screenings that feature on-screen text captions that display the spoken dialogue, sound effects, and other relevant audio information for the audience to read.

Ruth Sokolof Theater:

Black Bag

Dundee Theater:

Mickey 17


                                      Film Streams Accessibility Closed Captioning

                                      Closed Captioning

                                      Both the Ruth Sokolof Theater and Dundee Theater are equipped with CaptiView devices, which transmit dialogue to a small easy-to-read personal screen attached to the viewer’s seat. Closed Captioning availability is subject to the content made available from distributors. When available for a movie we're showing, "Closed Captioning" will be noted at the top of that movie's page where other film information (director, country, running time, MPAA rating) are featured.


                                      Open Captioning

                                      When available, weekly Open Caption screenings of New Releases will be scheduled for weekend matinees and weekday prime time shows.

                                      Open Captions are text with sound description displayed on the screen to allow all patrons to enjoy movies together. We refer to them as Open Captions and not subtitles as the latter refers to captions on screen that are in a different language than the language(s) spoken in the film. (Our programming includes many international films screened with English subtitles.)

                                      Film Streams Accessibility Assistive Listening

                                      Assistive Listening

                                      Both the Ruth Sokolof Theater and Dundee Theater are equipped with wireless assistive listening devices. Our devices deliver descriptive narration for the visually impaired and or amplified sound for the hard of hearing. The system consists of a compact audio receiver with a plug-in headset, or you can bring in your own headset. Descriptive Narration availability is subject to the content made available from distributors.

                                      Film Streams Accessibility Hearing Loop

                                      Hearing Loop

                                      As part of our 2017 renovation of the Dundee Theater, Film Streams installed a Hearing Loop system in all four of our theaters.

                                      With this technology, wiring installed within the theater's flooring transmits an audio signal directly to patrons with telecoil-equipped hearing aids.

                                      Film Streams Accessibility Wheelchair Seating


                                      Accessible seating at both the Ruth Sokolof Theater and Dundee Theater is reserved for patrons using wheelchairs and their parties. To reserve your seats prior to your visit, please call the Box Office:

                                      Ruth Sokolof Theater: 402-933-0259 x15

                                      Dundee Theater: 402-933-0259 x30

                                      Film Streams Accessibility Wheelchair Parking


                                      The parking lots adjacent to both our cinemas offer reserved accessible spots. Additional accessible parking is also available in front of the Ruth Sokolof Theater entrance along Mike Fahey Street.

                                      For full area maps, see the diagrams below.

                                      Ruth Sokolof Theater Area Map

                                      Dundee Theater Area Map

                                      Sensory Friendly Screenings
                                      & Film Streams' Social Stories

                                      Requests for sensory friendly screenings of movies on our calendar can be made to

                                      Social stories for Film Streams experiences can be found here: