School to Screen is a free program that invites grades 6-12 to integrate film into their curriculum. Educators and their classes visit the Ruth Sokolof Theater to attend a film screening, enjoy a free lunch, and engage in a critical discussion about film with Film Streams’ Education Manager, Paul Sanchez.
2024-2025 Calendar
Program Objectives
Our program teaches film literacy and critical thinking while expanding appreciation for film as an art form.
The Logistics
- Screenings begin at 11am and are followed by a guided post-show discussion ending no later than 2pm.
- Guided post-show discussions with Education Manager and community leaders allow students to critically engage the medium through the lens of art, subjectivity, culture, and representation.
- Students and teachers are treated to a free, healthy lunch.
- Teachers are given supplemental materials like discussion guides, worksheets, and activities for each film in the series to utilize in the classroom before and after their visit.
For more information about School to Screen, contact Film Streams Education Manager Paul Sanchez, at
Film Streams' School to Screen is supported by grants from the Heider Family Foundation, the John W. Carson Foundation through the Nebraska Arts Council and Nebraska Cultural Endowment, Martha and David Slosburg, Jamie and Ted Friedland, and the Ike and Roz Friedman Foundation.

Film Streams Education Committee
Kelsey Baldridge
Jessica Freeman
Lisa Freifeld
Mark Hoeger
Michael Hollins
Tom Knoblauch
Michael McCauley
Robert Patterson
Elly Roberts
Julie Rowse