Tim Curry trades one dark secluded mansion for another as the buttoned-up butler Wadsworth. Acting as master of ceremonies, Wadsworth welcomes a gaggle of seemingly unrelated strangers. As they converge on the mansion one transgression leads to another and murder is afoot! Jonathan Lynn's directorial debut hosts a phenomenal ensemble cast and the delightful gimmick of three separate endings, a concept offered by John Landis who was originally attached to direct. The boilerplate whodunit qualities are little more than a platform for the comic talents of the performers and Curry's third act soliloquies are a thing of beauty. Like ROCKY HORROR, CLUE has only grown in its audience's esteem, becoming a new cult favorite over the past decade. Which ending do you think YOU'LL SEE?! Lightning flashes, recedes into darkness. -- Andy Helmkamp
Dec 28
Dir. Jonathan Lynn USA 94 min PG
1985 Paramount
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The Dundee Theater is closed on Mondays for private screening rentals!