In this darkly comedic odyssey, Academy Award nominee Rinko Kikuchi (Babel, Pacific Rim) stars as Kumiko, a frustrated Office Lady whose imagination transcends the confines of her mundane life. Kumiko becomes obsessed with a mysterious, battered VHS tape of FARGO, which she’s mistaken for a documentary, fixating on a scene where Steve Buscemi buries a suitcase of stolen cash in the desolate, frozen landscape of Minnesota. Believing this treasure to be real, she leaves behind Tokyo and her beloved rabbit Bunzo to recover it – and finds herself on a dangerous adventure unlike anything she’s seen in the movies.
With KUMIKO, THE TREASURE HUNTER, indie mavericks David and Nathan Zellner spin a strangely touching underdog fable, redolent of the work of the duo behind FARGO, the Coen Brothers, and elevated to sonic heights by a Sundance award-winning score from electro-indie outfit The Octopus Project. Omaha’s own Academy Award-winning writer-director Alexander Payne is Executive Producer.
May 1 – May 7, 2015
Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter
Dir. David Zellner USA 105 min Not Rated
2015 Amplify Releasing
Japanese & English with English subtitles