Puppet wizard Jim Henson only had a brief run on the big screen, directing just three films, finishing with his fantasy cult hit Labyrinth. In Henson’s most human occupied picture, Jennifer Connelly stars as Sarah, a teenager struggling to let go of being a kid. After she rashly wishes that goblins would take her bothersome baby brother Toby away the Goblin King Jareth, played by the ever-glamourous David Bowie, appears to fulfill her request. Sarah must solve Jareth’s labyrinth in time if she wants to get back the babe. The journey through the Muppet-filled maze becomes is made all the more fantastic with a killer soundtrack from Bowie which is sure to make you believe in a little bit of Dance Magic. ― Aaron Lee
Nov 29
Dir. Jim Henson USA 101 min PG
Today’s Showings
The Ruth Sokolof Theater is closed on Mondays for private screening rentals!
The Dundee Theater is closed on Mondays for private screening rentals!