Bernard and Huey
Thu Aug 16, 7 pm | Dundee Theater
Mirvish's visit will also see a one-time screening of his latest film, Bernard and Huey, with Q&A.
Buy TicketsDir. Dan Mirvish USA 85 min Not Rated
35 mm
Filmed a year before Alexander Payne’s CITIZEN RUTH in Omaha (and at Carhenge near Alliance, Neb.), the movie’s cast and crew includes dozens of locals, including two future US senators, the director of THE LAST JEDI and the creator of NBC’s THE BLACKLIST. The anarchic caper put the River City on the indie film map and set Mirvish on the path to becoming the influential Slamdance Festival-founding filmmaker he is today.
Mirvish's visit will also see a one-time screening of his latest film, Bernard and Huey, with Q&A.
Buy TicketsThe Ruth Sokolof Theater is closed on Mondays for private screening rentals!
The Dundee Theater is closed on Mondays for private screening rentals!
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