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The Great Buster
Dir. Peter Bogdanovich | USA | 102 min | 2018
Showing Nov 2 – Nov 8, 2018 in the Dundee Theater Linder Microcinema
More Info"Keaton's third feature under his own steam is an incredible technical accomplishment, but also an almost Pirandellian exploration of the nature of cinematic reality. Buster plays a cinema projectionist, framed for theft by a jealous rival for his girl's hand, who daydreams himself into life as a daring detective. In an unforgettable sequence, Buster (actually fallen asleep beside the projector) forces his way onto the screen and into the movie he is projecting, only to find himself beset by perils and predicaments as the action around him changes in rapid montage… It leaves Chaplin standing." - Tom Milne, Time Out
Dir. Peter Bogdanovich | USA | 102 min | 2018
Showing Nov 2 – Nov 8, 2018 in the Dundee Theater Linder Microcinema
More InfoThe Ruth Sokolof Theater is closed on Mondays for private screening rentals!
The Dundee Theater is closed on Mondays for private screening rentals!
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