Lisa (Regina Hall) is the last person you'd expect to find in a highway-side "sports bar with curves,"-- but as general manager at Double Whammies, she's come to love the place, and its customers. An instinctive den mother, she nurtures and protects her ‘girls’ on the staff fiercely -- but over the course of one trying day, her optimism is battered from every direction... Double Whammies sells a big, weird American fantasy, but what happens when reality pokes a bunch of holes in it? -- Magnolia Pictures
Sept 28 – Oct 4, 2018
Support the Girls
Dir. Andrew Bujalski USA 91 min Not Rated
2018 Magnolia Pictures
Today’s Showings
The Ruth Sokolof Theater is closed on Mondays for private screening rentals!
The Dundee Theater is closed on Mondays for private screening rentals!