One of the ineffably lovely domestic sagas made by Yasujiro Ozu at the height of his mastery, The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice is a sublimely piercing portrait of a marriage coming quietly undone. Secrets and deceptions strain the already tenuous relationship between a childless, middle-aged couple as her city-bred sophistication bumps up against his small-town simplicity, and a generational sea change—in the form of their headstrong, thoroughly modern niece—sweeps into their household. The director’s abiding concern with the intricacies of family dynamics receives one of its most spirited treatments, enlivened by a wry, tender humor and buoyant expansiveness that moves the action from the home into the baseball stadiums, pachinko parlors, and ramen shops of postwar Tokyo. — Janus Films
May 12 – May 14, 2019
The Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice
Dir. Yasujiro Ozu Japan 135 min
1952 Janus Films
Today’s Showings
The Ruth Sokolof Theater is closed on Mondays for private screening rentals!
The Dundee Theater is closed on Mondays for private screening rentals!