The Headless Woman | Film Streams
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The Headless Woman

Women Directed

Dir. Lucrecia Martel Argentina 87 min Not Rated

2008 Strand Releasing

In Spanish with English Subtitles

Subtitles (Accessibility Info)

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Saturday, November 16 @ Ruth Sokolof

More Showtimes Film Streams Theaters Square Ruth Sokolof

Film Information

Veronica (María Onetto) is driving in northwestern Argentina when her mobile phone distracts her and she runs over something—but drives on. The police confirm that there was no accident, but Veronica begins to have a meltdown, thinking she may have killed someone. Was it an animal? A child? Or nothing at all?

Weekend Essentials Sponsored by Sam Walker

Film Stills

Headless woman 1
Headless woman 2
Headless woman 3
Headless woman 4

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