As part of our See Change initiative, we strive to showcase the work of women and non-binary individuals and their behind-the-scenes involvement in a production.
This film is directed and produced by Penny Marshall and produced by Amy Lemisch.
Dir. Penny Marshall USA 128 min PG
1992 Swank, Criterion Pictures
Showtimes Coming Soon
Not only does A League of Their Own allow an ensemble of mostly female characters to shine, but it actively shows women standing up for one another, not threatened by each other's presence, and avoids long-tired tropes of cattiness to deliver a funny and heartwarming look at one of American history's more interesting bon mots, the formation of the All-American Girls' Professional Baseball League.
Two sisters join the first female professional baseball league in 1943 and struggle to help it succeed amidst their own growing rivalry.
"What’s fresh are the personalities of the players, the gradual unfolding of their coach and the way this early chapter of women’s liberation fit into the hidebound traditions of professional baseball." – Roger Ebert
As part of our See Change initiative, we strive to showcase the work of women and non-binary individuals and their behind-the-scenes involvement in a production.
This film is directed and produced by Penny Marshall and produced by Amy Lemisch.
Film Streams on the Green is presented with and supported by
Alcohol service will be provided by Sonny's/Backstretch Bar for this screening.
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