Spread your wings and take off on a trip to see animated films created by filmmakers around the world, showcased in this one-of-a-kind program from Northwest Film and Children’s Film Festival Seattle 2011. You’ll meet a fly-away pancake, a sweet little talking shell, a stone that yearns to soar through the air, two friends who embark on a thrilling journey, a bespectacled princess who saves the day, and a old woman who amazes her cat by riding high on a broomstick.
TALLY HO PANCAKE (Dir. Kai Pannen):A whimsical tale of an fly-away pancake and the hungry people who chase it over hill and dale. 6 minutes. Germany.
STONEFLIES (Dir. Anne Walther):A tiny stone takes a long journey to find a way to fulfill what seems like an impossible dream. 14 minutes, animated, Germany.
LOST AND FOUND (Dir. Philip Hunt):A little boy must take a long journey to take a friend back home. Winner of the CFFS 2011 Audience Favorite Award. 24 minutes, animated, UK.
TWO PRINCESSES (Dir. Maria Stepanova):A thrilling tale of how a very modern princess overcomes all obstacles to help her sister. 8 minutes, animated, Russia.
WONDERFUL DAY (Dir. Nils Skapans):A day turns out to be anything but normal for a woman and her pet cat. 14 min, animated, Latvia.
MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ON (Dir. Dean Fleischer-Camp):A hilarious glimpse into the life of a delightful little shell. Winner of the CFFS 2011 prize for Best Short Animated Film. 3 minutes, animated, USA.
Children’s Film Festival Seattle is a program of Northwest Film Forum.