Hailed as one of the finest films ever made, JULES AND JIM charts, over twenty-five years, the relationship between two friends and the object of their mutual obsession. The legendary François Truffaut directs, and Jeanne Moreau stars as the alluring and willful Catherine, whose enigmatic smile and passionate nature lure Jules (Oskar Werner) and Jim (Henri Serre) into one of cinema’s most captivating romantic triangles. An exuberant and poignant meditation on freedom, loyalty, and the fortitude of love, JULES AND JIM was a worldwide smash in 1962 and remains every bit as audacious and entrancing today. — Janus Films
May 30 – Jun 5, 2008
Jules and Jim
Dir. François Truffaut France 106 min Not Rated
1962 Janus Films
French with English subtitles
Today’s Showings
The Ruth Sokolof Theater is closed on Mondays for private screening rentals!
The Dundee Theater is closed on Mondays for private screening rentals!