The Raft | Film Streams
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Jul 26 – Aug 1, 2019

The Raft

Dir. Marcus Linden Sweden/Denmark/Germany/USA 97 min

2018 Metrograph Pictures

In the summer of 1973, Mexican anthropologist Santiago Genovés selected five men and six women to cross the Atlantic on a small raft named Acali. Genovés’s aim was to explore the origins of violence and the dynamics of sexual attraction; the eleven members of the crew were handpicked from around the world with the objective of mixing religion, gender, and nationality to theoretically maximize friction. But while Genovés had hoped that violent conflicts and orgies would result from the close quarters of the raft, what ultimately happened was entirely unexpected.

Today, more than forty years later, the surviving members of voyage reunite in a film studio where they board a stylized reconstruction of the Acali to tell the hidden story behind what has been described as "one of the strangest group experiments of all time.”

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