How do I watch ICONS?
Q. Hey, do I need a ticket to see this ICONS thing you guys have been talking about?
A. Nope! Thanks to the support of our incredible sponsors, we are able to make this program available for free to all.
Q. But isn’t it a fundraiser?
A. Yes, indeed. We invite you to give what you can to help keep our organization strong. Membership — whether joining, renewing, or giving a Gift Membership — is a great way to support us. And, of course, we are always grateful for donations of any size.
Q. Done and done! So, how do I watch ICONS?
A. We’re making ICONS available across our social media channels and on our streaming platform.
- (having trouble with @Home? FAQ)
- YouTube
Q. What’s the easiest way for me to watch this on my TV?
A. You’ll have the best luck through the YouTube app on your Smart TV. Just open YouTube and search for “Film Streams ICONS Chloé Zhao.”