Film Streams' family & children's programming is generously supported by Lincoln Financial Foundation.
Lincoln Financial Foundation

Film Streams is excited to announce the Spring selections in our Forever Young Family & Children's Series, made possible with the Support of the Lincoln Financial Foundation. Films in this series have matinee screenings on Thursday, Saturdays, and Sundays, and kids always get in for just $2.50.
Our latest Forever Young series starts with a two-week run of the new film ERNEST & CELESTINE. This adventure from the creators of THE TRIPLETS OF BELLEVILLE and THE SECRET OF KELLS, and directed by the team behind A TOWN CALLED PANIC, follows the unlikely friendship of an orphan mouse and a gruff brown bear. Voice talent includes Forrest Whitaker (Ernest), Mackenzie Foy (Celestine), Lauren Bacall, Paul Giamatti, William H. Macy, Megan Mullally, and Nick Offerman. The film was nominated for Best Animated Feature at the 2014 Academy Awards. While supplies last, we'll be giving out ENREST & CELESTINE stickers and temporary tattoos!
The series will continue with four feature-length programs of Charlie Chaplin shorts, just in time for the 100th anniversary of Chaplin on film. From the heady days when the movie icon made nearly a film a week, the series captures the debut of his indelible Tramp character in only his third onscreen appearance (KID AUTO RACES AT VENICE) and other, lesser seen roles. In his autobiography, Chaplin called this the most exciting time in his career, and that excitement still jumps off the screen!
Tickets for all films in the series are just $2.50 for children ages 12 and under. Adult tickets are $9 general, $7 for seniors, students, teachers, military and those traveling to the theater by bicycle, and $4.50 for Film Streams Members and Lincoln Financial employees. All screening will be at the Film Streams' Ruth Sokolof Theater, 1340 Mike Fahey Street.