Forever Young Family & Children's Series Fall 2013 | Film Streams
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Forever Young Family & Children's Series Fall 2013

Ruth Sokolof Oct 5 – Dec 29, 2013

Film Streams is excited to announce the fall selections in our “Forever Young” family and children’s series, made possible with the support of the Lincoln Financial Foundation. Most films in this series have matinee screenings on Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

Our latest Forever Young Family & Children’s Series lineup starts with the classic documentary WINGED MIGRATION. Filmmakers took to the sky to examine the mystery of bird migration, and the scale of this film captures the vastness of the natural world.

For Halloween week we’re coming back to earth – six feet under. After languishing in vaults for a decade, the outrageous MONSTER SQUAD is back on the big screen. A rag-tag group of kids are the only ones who can stop a cabal of movie monsters – Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolf Man, Gill Man, and The Mummy. It’s GOONIES meets LOST BOYS!

Next, we present a true children’s classic. In the magical THE BLACK STALLION a boy is marooned on an island with a magnificent horse. Theirs is one of the strongest human-animal bonds in film.

If you’re of a certain age, the recent hit documentary BLACKFISH no doubt brought to mind FREE WILLY. It’s a timely pick for Forever Young. The iconic escape scene, complete with the jump over the jetty, is a must-see on the big screen.

Nebraska native Harold Lloyd plays an awkward college student in the silent comedy THE FRESHMAN. With his trusty dog in tow, he grasps for popularity, finally joining the football team.

We think you’ll forgive us for ending the Fall season with a not-so-animal-related film. That’s because IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE is a holiday tradition on par with any other and is also one of the most beloved films of all time.

Tickets for all films in the series are just $2.50 for children ages 12 and under. Adult tickets are $9 general, $7 for seniors, students, teachers, military and those traveling to the theater by bicycle, and $4.50 for Film Streams Members and Lincoln Financial employees.

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