Rich Hill, Missouri, lies seventy miles south of Kansas City, fifteen miles east of the Kansas border. Once a thriving mining town, shortly after World War II, the coal was gone – mined out. Stores closed, people moved away, farms were sold. It’s a story that could be told in hundreds of towns across America. RICH HILL tells the story of this specific town, one of heartbreak and hope, through the lives three boys. Thirteen-year-old Andrew is defensive of his family and his town and prays for their luck to change. Harley, 15, is living with eight members of his extended family is his grandmother’s house while his mother is in jail. Repeat sixth-grader Appachey struggles in school despite obvious intelligence and plans to become a teacher.
Aug 22 – Aug 28, 2014
Rich Hill
Dir. Tracy Droz Tragos and Andrew Droz Palermo USA 91 min Not Rated
2014 The Orchard