Local Filmmakers Showcase: Lindsay Trapnell
Meet the 2012 Local Filmmakers: Part 6 of 9
Director of THE GAY LIFESTYLE, 8 minutes

Director’s Statement: There are preconceived ideas and beliefs about the “gay lifestyle” held by certain sections of the world’s population that are inaccurate at best, hateful at worst, and most always born out of ignorance. Even using the word “lifestyle” implies that there is something different about the way LGBTQ people live their lives. Well, there isn’t. This film showcases 27 LGBTQ people doing things they would do on a normal day.
Director’s Bio: Lindsay Trapnell is an independent filmmaker/photographer and adjunct faculty member of the University of Nebraska at Omaha and Metropolitan Community College. She is excited to release her first feature, Seafarer, someday soon. In addition to video projects, she collaborates with Melissa Amstutz on a blog titled “Picture & Poem” (pictureandpoem.tumblr.com). Lindsay takes the pictures, Melissa writes the poems. She is currently working as the assistant casting director on Alexander Payne’s NEBRASKA.
Previously in the Local Filmmakers Showcase (2010) by Lindsay Trapnell: HUMP
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Film Streams’ 2012 Local Filmmakers Showcase | Curated by The Faint
Friday, October 19 – Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oct 16, 2012
by Casey Logan
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