Local Filmmakers Showcase: Harrison Martin
Meet the 2012 Local Filmmakers: Part 8 of 9
HARRISON MARTIN, Omaha, Nebraska
Director of HERPE BETTY: CHOKED ON CHICKEN, 15 minutes

Director’s Statement: Labiana chokes on chicken and goes into a coma. When Labiana wakes up Betty leads her on an adventure featuring corn dogs, LSD, and betrayal?
Director’s Bio: Born the year WAYNE’S WORLD was released, Harrison Martin was raised in Omaha, NE. After finishing high school in Millard he moved to Chicago, IL where he now attends Columbia College Chicago pursuing a BA in film. Harrison has directed music videos for Capgun Coup, Talking Mountain, UUVVWWZ, female hip-hop sensation STDZ, and others. Herpe Betty is a web series created by Harrison and Michelle Murphy about a deranged young woman.
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Film Streams’ 2012 Local Filmmakers Showcase | Curated by The Faint
Friday, October 19 – Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oct 17, 2012
by Casey Logan
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