Screen Teens
Screen Teens: Book Meets Film
This summer at Film Streams’ Ruth Sokolof Theater (1340 Mike Fahey St) we’re watching films based on popular YA books! All Screen Teens screenings are FREE and include a free fun size popcorn and small soda. Following the film, Film Streams’ Education Coordinator and an Omaha Public Library Youth Services Specialist will lead a discussion.
Films and dates:
June 9 @ 11am – LOVE, SIMON
July 14 @ 11am – THE HATE U GIVE
August 11 @ 11am – SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD
Screen Teens is designed for teens (ages 11-18). We’re encouraging teens to read the corresponding book prior to watching the film but reading the book isn’t required. Copies of the books can be found at Omaha Public Library.
Registration is required → https://filmstreams.typeform.com/to/zEAYaKj3